

(3) NC数控下料,NC下料时首先要编写数控加工程式,利用编程软件,将绘制的展开图编写成NC数拉加工机床可识别的程式,让其根据这些程式一步一刀在平板上冲裁各构形状平板件,但其结构 受刀具结构所至,成本低,精度于0.15。

(4) 镭射下料,是利用激光切割方式,在大平板上将其平板的结构形状切割出来,同NC下料一样需编写镭射程式,它可下各种复杂形状的平板件,成本高,精度于0.1.


3、 翻边:又叫抽孔、翻孔,就是在一个较小的基孔上抽成一个稍大的孔,再攻丝,主要用板厚比较薄的钣金加工,增加其强度和螺纹圈数,避免滑牙,一般用于板厚比较薄,其孔周正常的浅翻边,厚度基本没有变化,允许有厚度的变薄30-40%时,可得到比正常翻边高度大高40-60%的高度,用挤薄50%时,可得最大的翻边高度,当板厚较大时,如2.0、2.5等以上的板厚,便可直接攻丝。

4、 冲床:是利用模具成形的加工工序,一般冲床加工的有冲孔、切角、落料、冲凸包(凸点),冲撕裂、抽孔、成形等加工方式,其加工需要有相应的模具来完成操作,如冲孔落料模、凸包模、撕裂模、抽孔模、成型模等,操作主要注意位置,方向性。

6、 折弯;折弯就是将2D的平板件,折成功D的零件。其加工需要有折床及相应折弯模具完成,它也有一定折弯顺序,其原则是对下一刀不产生干涉的先折,会产生干涉的后折。


Based on differences in the structure of the sheet metal, the process can not the same, but the total does not exceed the following points, and now we have to focus on some of the stainless steel sheet metal processing process:

(1) shears: shears shear strip simple materials and parts, mold blanking shaping strip material ready to be processed, low-cost, precision of less than 0.2, but can only be processed without orifice Cutaway or block material.

(2) punch: the use of punch points one or more steps in the blanking plate on parts expand tablet pieces forming various shapes of materials and parts, the advantage is the cost of short working hours, high efficiency, high precision, low cost, applicable to large mass production, but to design the mold.

(3) NC NC under the material, NC cutting first to write CNC machining program using the programming software written in the expansion plan will be drawn into the NC the number of pull-up machine tools can identify the program, allowed under these programs step knife on the plate each configuration of the punched shape plate pieces, but the its structure tool structure Suozhi, low cost, precision at 0.15.

(4) laser blanking, is the use of laser cutting, on the large flat, the structure of its flat shape cut out with the NC under the material to be prepared the same CD program, it can be a member of a flat plate of various complex shapes, high cost, accuracy at 0.1.

(5) sawing machine: mainly used under the aluminum profile, square tube Figure tube, round bar like a low-cost, low accuracy.

Counterbore angle is generally 120 ° C is used to pull the rivets, 90 ° C for countersunk head screws, tapping inch bottom hole.

3, flanging: known pumping hole Burring, is in a slightly larger hole, and then pumped into a smaller base hole tapping, mainly with a plate thickness of a relatively thin sheet metal processing, to increase its strength and thread laps, to avoid slip teeth, generally used for the plate thickness is relatively thin, its hole periphery normal shallow flanging, of a thickness of substantially no change in, allowing the thinning of the thickness of 30-40% can be obtained than normal burring height and large high a height of 40-60%, with extruded thin 50%, the maximum flange height can be obtained, when the thickness is larger, the thickness of such as 2.0, 2.5, etc., can be directly tapped.

Punch: mold forming manufacturing processes generally punch processing, punching, corner cutting, blanking, red convex hull (bumps), red tear smoke hole, forming and other processing methods, processing needs corresponding mold to complete the operation, such as punching blanking mode, the convex hull mold tearing mode, pumping hole mold molding mold and so on, operating the main attention to the location, directionality.

Riveting: pressure riveting, clinching nuts, screws, loose not off the purposes of the Company, its operation is done by hydraulic pressure riveting machine or punch, riveted to the sheet metal, as well as up riveting, should pay attention to the orientation.

6, bending; bend the plate pieces of the 2D, folding successful D parts. Its processing requires the completion of the folding bed and a corresponding bending mold, it also has some bending sequence, the principle is the first folding knife does not produce interference will produce interference after folding.

Welding: Welding defined: the atoms and molecules of the material to be welded lattice distance away from Jingda integrally formed

In fact, a variety of materials of sheet metal machining processes are summoned up the courage, but there will be some subtle differences, stainless steel sheet metal machining processes you understand?